Unfamiliar Illnesses: 20 Diseases You Likely Haven’t Encountered Before

You’re about to discover some of the rarest and most bizarre diseases in the world. These conditions may seem surreal, but they are real for those suffering from them.

Alien Hand Syndrome

Characterized by one hand acting independently from the other, AHS is a rare neurological disorder that makes the affected hand feel like it has a mind of its own. People living with this condition may be unable to control or stop their hands from performing actions they did not intend.

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain

This sporadic disease causes individuals to lack sensation or perception of pain. While it may seem like a blessing, this condition can lead to severe complications as people with this disease are unable to feel pain when they are injured.

Geographic Tongue

This disease is also known as benign migratory glossitis, characterized by patches on the tongue’s surface that appear to move around, giving it a map-like appearance. While this condition is harmless and usually resolves on its own, it can cause discomfort or changes in taste for those affected.


This genetic disorder leads to an excessive buildup of trimethylamine in the body, causing a strong and unpleasant body odor resembling rotten fish. People with this condition may experience social and psychological challenges due to the stigma surrounding their odor.

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Capgras Delusion

A rare psychiatric disorder, Capgras delusion causes individuals to believe that imposters have replaced their loved ones or acquaintances. This delusional belief can cause significant emotional distress and often requires long-term treatment.

Foreign Accent Syndrome

This rare neurological disorder causes individuals to suddenly develop a foreign accent despite not having lived in or been exposed to the accent’s associated region. While it can be caused by brain injuries, strokes, or migraines, the exact cause of this condition is still unknown.

Exploding Head Syndrome

A type of parasomnia, this condition causes individuals to experience loud and sudden noises in their head as they are falling asleep or waking up. 

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Named after the classic novel by Lewis Carroll, this neurological disorder causes individuals to have distorted perceptions of their bodies or the environment around them. This disease can lead to visual distortions, like objects appearing smaller or larger than they are.


Also known as “face blindness,” this condition affects a person’s ability to recognize and remember faces. People with prosopagnosia may have difficulty recognizing familiar faces, including their own, and rely on other cues to identify people.


Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where one sensory experience triggers another. For example, individuals with this condition may see colors or taste flavors when listening to music. 

Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration

This rare, genetic, neurodegenerative disorder is associated with difficulty with movement, speech problems, and visual loss. It usually appears in childhood and progresses rapidly, often leading to life-threatening complications.

Ondine’s Curse

Medically known as Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome, this potentially fatal condition affects automatic control of breathing, often causing sufferers to stop breathing during sleep.

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Paraneoplastic Pemphigus

This autoimmune blistering disorder is a painful sores on the skin and mucous membranes. It is often associated with malignancies like lymphomas and leukemias.

Stiff Person Syndrome

A neurological disorder, Stiff Person Syndrome features muscle stiffness and functional impairment. The condition can also cause muscle spasms and functional disability.

Erdheim-Chester Disease

This disease is a rare non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis, with only a few hundred cases reported worldwide. It mainly affects adults and involves an excessive production of histiocytes, which can lead to organ damage.


Alkaptonuria is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a person’s urine to turn black when exposed to air. It can also lead to skin darkening and other complications due to a buildup of homogentisic acid in the body.

Hyper Igm Syndrome

An immunodeficiency disorder, Hyper IgM Syndrome leads to a decreased ability to fight infections. Individuals affected by this condition often have recurrent infections and can develop autoimmune diseases.

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is a connective tissue disease that causes soft tissues to become ossified, turning them into bone over time gradually.

Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid

A form of autoimmune conjunctivitis, this disease can lead to scarring of the conjunctiva and potentially cause blindness.

Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes

These disorders are triggered by an abnormal immune response to a cancerous tumor called a neoplasm. Symptoms include difficulty walking, swallowing, loss of muscle tone, memory loss, and many others.

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