16 Foods Popular Among Boomers that Millennials Refuse to Eat

The generation gap between Baby Boomers and Millennials can be seen in many aspects of life, from how they dress and listen to music to how they shop and eat. While Boomers have a taste for classic dishes such as meatloaf and canned sausages, Millennials are more likely to gravitate toward other preferred options. Here’s a look at some dishes Boomers love, but Millennials won’t touch.

Canned Soups

While Millennials may be quick to seek fresh ingredients for their soups, Boomers often opt for canned varieties. Canned soup is convenient and doesn’t require any preparation, making it an attractive option for Boomers. However, Millennials prefer the taste of freshly prepared ingredients and are less likely to turn to canned soups for their meals.

Kraft Mac & Cheese

Boomers have been enjoying Kraft Macaroni & Cheese for generations, and it remains a popular comfort food for this demographic. Millennials, however, prefer healthier alternatives to this classic dish. Boomers may be drawn to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese for its nostalgic appeal, but Millennials would rather prepare homemade dishes.

Fried Foods

Boomers are accustomed to preparing fried foods, such as french fries, onion rings, and chicken nuggets, but Millennials choose baked or grilled dishes as healthier alternatives. Fried foods may taste good in the short term but can have long-term health consequences. Millennials know better than to load up on fried foods.

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Desserts Made With Canned Fruit

Boomers grew up eating desserts made with canned fruit, such as cherry pie and peach cobbler. However, Millennials may be more likely to reach for fresh fruit or other healthier options when craving something sweet. Canned fruit often contains added sugar and preservatives that Millennials won’t touch.


McDonald’s has been a popular fast food chain for decades, and Boomers still enjoy the occasional trip to this fast food establishment. While Millennials may opt for healthier alternatives such as Chipotle or Panera Bread, Boomers often turn to McDonald’s for its convenient locations and affordability.

Millennial diners also prefer fresh ingredients over mass-produced items and crave unique flavors and menu options that McDonald’s can’t provide.

Frozen Dinners

Frozen dinners, also called TV dinners, are packaged frozen meals that come portioned for an individual. Frozen dinners are high in sodium and preservatives, and some parts of the food are usually cold in the center. Millennials will have nothing to do with these types of dinners and will instead cook their meals.

Many frozen dinners also lack the fresh ingredients and unique flavors Millennials crave.

American Cheese Slices

Added ingredients, plastic packaging, and an artificial taste have caused Millennials to turn away from American cheese slices. Shockingly, boomers still purchase this highly-processed food item. In addition to being unhealthy, American cheese slices contribute to plastic waste, an issue Millennials are passionate about.

Miracle Whip

Miracle Whip is an American icon, but Millennials aren’t as enamored with this condiment as Boomers. Miracle Whip is a sauce condiment and blend of mayonnaise products with less expensive salad dressing. Most young chaps find the taste too sweet.  Also, the Miracle Whip ingredient list contains several preservatives, and additives Millennials avoid.

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Related: How much sugar should you eat every day?


Fruitcake was a popular holiday treat for Boomers, but it’s something that only some Millennials would choose to eat. The cake is loaded with sugar, preservatives, artificial colors, and gummy fruit dyed in bright colors. The cake also has high alcohol content, making the cake last a very long time. Millennials would rather eat cakes that are fresh and not more than a few days old.


Spam was initially a wartime food created to prolong the shelf life of meat by stuffing it with excessive salt and preservatives. This food became an instant hit after World War II due to its convenience. Young people do not like it because it is unclear what kind of meat it is; also, it lasts a long time in a can.


Who doesn’t loathe the taste of bland ground beef paired with an egg and some ketchup? Even when you try to jazz it up with funky ingredients like bacon or cheese, it tastes like generic meat.

Wouldn’t this same ground beef be so much better if used in chili, burgers, tacos… anything! The name is even unappetizing – Meatloaf. Millennials seem to agree; surely, there must be other tastier options!

Watergate Salad

This gelatin dessert is made with instant pistachio pudding mix, pineapple chunks, crushed-up pecans, and mini marshmallows. Although it was popular in the 70s, Millennials rarely reach for this vintage dish when looking for something sweet. What’s a more modern and healthier alternative? Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, of course!

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Jell-O Salad

This colorful gelatin dessert may have been a Boomer favorite, but Millennials are far less likely to reach for it as an after-dinner treat. The combination of bright colors, plushy texture, and questionable ingredients like marshmallow creme may not appeal to the younger generation. A better option for Millennials is a smoothie bowl with fresh fruit and natural sweeteners.


These strange dishes are among the most dreadful flavor combinations, and they look more like a failed science experiment than an impressive dinner party entrée. This gelatinous creation comprises questionable ingredients such as canned vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, seafood, or even unidentified meats submerged in a broth. Millennials won’t touch this.

Artificial Sweeteners

Boomers were the generation that began using artificial sweeteners. However, young shoppers are more likely to reach for natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar. They also tend to buy fewer processed foods than older generations, which means they’re less likely to be exposed to artificial sweeteners in the first place.

Artificial sweeteners were the best sugar alternative for Boomers, but many healthier and better-tasting options are available to Millennials.

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese – divisive, smelly, and with a streak of mold running through it. If that doesn’t sound like something you’d enjoy, then you are part of the Millennial generation who are less enthusiastic about this food delicacy.

Its pungent, sour taste isn’t everyone’s favorite, and it has a slightly off-putting appearance that few can look past. An ever-increasing number of millennials opt for ranch over this classic condiment due to its unappealing moldy texture.

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